I’m Back: a Post-Pandemic Decline in Tech in the Classroom
I’ve been swamped for the last few years and haven’t been keeping this website up at all, but the techy teacher is back. A lot has been going on professionally, and I want somewhere to process it all and share my ideas, so I’ll be back to using this website more again!
While I still love technology, I’ve actually pulled back the use of technology in my classroom after the pandemic. I felt like my students needed less screen time, and with the increase in availability of AI, I’ve found the temptation is too great for busy high school students, so I’m doing a lot more on paper and a lot less on the screen. I’ve also found they have a hard time taking quizzes in Canvas. The temptation to cheat is too great. So back to paper quizzes for some of my classes.
I’m curious if anyone else is experiencing similar issues. So if you are email me!
Expect to see a bit of different content on this site. In addition to sharing reflections about my use of technology in the classroom, expect to see more about teaching journalism, more on Ignatian pedagogy, and Ignatian spirituality.
I’ve been doing the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius with a Jesuit at school as my spiritual direction. It’s been a really amazing and life-changing experience in how I view myself, my faith, and my role in the world. I have a few weeks left but I have a few things I’m toying with doing that may start taking shape here that has come out of my time in prayer.
That all said, the techy teacher is back! No more leaving this website out in WordPress limbo to die! 🙂 If I’m paying for it, I’m using it! Next post will be about my trip to University of Maryland for J-Day with some of my newspaper staff members. (I’m back to advising the school newspaper this year, and I LOVE it. I can’ wait to share what we’ve been doing!)
Expect also to see some of my personal photography work, too! For my professional work, head over to TCJ Design. And my thoughts on technology and parenting. Lots coming…again, the techy teacher is back!
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