I love playing around in the world of technology. My dad always wanted me to work with computers since using them came so naturally to me. My heart belonged to words, though. I studied English and communication in college and quickly found my other love: teaching. The world of teaching has always been in a state of flux as new technologies are integrated, and with so many technologies on the horizon and already in our classrooms, it can be daunting for our teachers.
The Techy Teacher offers technology help to any educator who wants it. On this site, you’ll find free resources like tutorials that you can use with your students, sample lesson plans, and many other resources. If your needs are greater, I can help to fee. Other services (that have a fee) include scanning documents, lessons on how to create online quizzes, lessons on how to create websites and blogs (and trainings on how to use them), lessons on how to use applications or websites, and one-on-one mentoring. The Techy Teacher can work with groups or individuals. E-mail info@techyteacher.com to learn more.
Fun Fact: Did you know that “techie” is a person who is skilled in the use of technological devices, such as computers while the word “techy” the adjective to describe someone skilled in the use of technological devices, such as computers?