What the Font?
Often, I see a font that I really like on a webpage and wonder what it is. I have had success using the website http://www.myfonts.com and hteir feature “What the font?”. You can upload an image of a webpage, and it will give you suggestions. I have had more luck when I use the “consult the experts” feature. You do have to create an account with them to use this feature, but there is no cost.
If you see a font online, you can share the URL or you can take a screen shot of the area. On a Macintosh, you’ll use shift, control, and four at the same time. This will allow you to select a section of page instead of taking a complete screenshot of your screen. My screenshots usually show up on my desktop and are easy to upload.
Let me know how you like http://www.myfonts.com. I hope it is as helpful for you as it has been for me!大塚製薬 ネイチャーメイド マルチビタミン&ミネラル(100粒x24)
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